First Name
Last Name
Postal code
How many years have you been in business?
Less than 3 years
3-5 years
5-8 years
8-12 years
I would rather not say
In the past 12 months, which of the following describes your business best?
We have seen a substantial decrease in revenue
We have seen a slight decrease in revenue
Our revenue has remained consistent
Our revenue has grown slightly
Our revenue has growth substantially
I would rather not say
From a revenue perspective, which of the following does your company fit into?
Under $1 million in revenue
$1-2 million in revenue
$2-5 million in revenue
$5-8 million in revenue
Over $8 million in revenue
I would rather not say
Thank you for your responses. These will be helpful context to Changescape Web when analyzing responses. Now we will move to the core survey questions.
When you think about investments in marketing and communications for your company, which statement best describes your attitude?
My business would not be where it is today without investments in marketing and communications
Investments in marketing and communications are necessary, but only contribute a small amount to my business growth
Investments in marketing and communications are necessary, but I have no idea what kind of return I get from the money I put into them
Investments in marketing and communications do not generate a positive ROI for my business
Investments in marketing and communications are a waste of money
If your company invests in marketing and communications, which of the following tactics does you company currently invest in?
Digital marketing including SEO, content marketing, digital advertising
Social Media
Outdoor marketing including billboards and signage
Email marketing and marketing automation
Tradeshows and industry event marketing
Public and media relations
Sending marketing information through traditional mail
Perimeter marketing - targeting houses near the project (knocking on doors, door hangers, yard signs, postcards)
Of the marketing tactics your company invests in, what would you say has produced the best return on investment?
As a percentage of revenue, how much approximately do you spend on marketing and communications?
2% of revenue
5% of revenue
7.5% of revenue
10% of revenue
More than 10% of revenue
I don’t invest in marketing and communications
If an agency told you that in order to work with them on your marketing and communications program with them, you need to pay for a strategy and tactical plan upfront, how likely would you be to consider working with them?
Highly likely – a well thought out strategy and tactical plan is critically important
Likely – strategy is important, and it makes sense to start with one
Neutral – I am not sure
Unlikely – I do not see much value in paying for a strategy upfront
Highly unlikely – Paying for a strategy upfront is a waste of time and money and I would rather just pay to have tactics executed
If you believe that it is important to pay for strategy upfront, how much would you likely be willing to invest?
Not sure – I would need to understand what exactly the outcome of my investment will be before deciding what it might be worth
Not Applicable
Do you handle marketing and communications inhouse, contract out to an agency or a combination of both?
When it comes to marketing and communications, what would you say are your biggest pain points from the list below? Please pick your top 3 pain points from the list of 10 below
Lack of understanding about which tactics are producing results
Lack of understanding about marketing and communications strategies and tactics in general
The need to make large upfront investments without clarity about when an ROI can be expected
Lack of internal agreement about which marketing and communications tactics we should invest in
Lack of understanding about why we are making the investment we are making
Lack of reporting and data from marketing activities
Lack of internal resources with enough understanding about marketing and communications to drive initiatives forward
Lack of an integrated marketing effort (stand alone campaigns)
Been burned by marketing companies in the past
Marketing and communications are an expense that I cannot easily afford
Marketing and communications are an expense that I cannot easily justify
I don’t have time to invest in marketing and communications initiatives
On a scale of 1-10, how important do you think the following are for your business’ growth?
A well laid out and high-converting website
Being found on Google and other search engines (SEO)
Ranking on Google Maps
Online Paid Advertising (Google PPC, Display ads, Home Advisor, Social media ads - specify)
Offline Advertising (TV, Radio, Print, Billboards)
Video Marketing
Being mentioned in the media and industry publications
Awards and recognition
Tradeshows and industry events
Videos or Webinars to teach by prospects about my products and services
Online Reputation
Marketing Automation using email and SMS
Customer Relationship Management System
Automated Lead Capture
On a scale of 1-10, how important do you think the following social media channels are for your business’ growth?
When it comes to considering a marketing and communications agency to support your business, on a scale of 1-=10, how would you rate the following factors?
The cost of their services
The agency’s website and the information contained on it
Case studies and a proven track record
Building trust with the salesperson during the sales process
Going through a sales process that helps me learn about marketing and communications and how it will be applied to my business
Clarity about process, timelines and what I can expect when working with them
Detailed and thorough information about the services they are proposing to me
Project Management and Reporting System
When it comes to deciding on whether to work with an agency for your marketing and communications needs, what would you say are the biggest barriers to moving forward?
Fear of making a wrong decision that will cost me money and time
A bad experience in the past
Lack of trust for marketing and communications agencies
Lack of trust in marketing and communications in general
Not having a clear understanding of the results and return on investment
My company’s ability to decide about an agency to work with that everyone will agree with
Deciding between hiring in house and working with an outside agency
Do you have someone in a position to create and evaluate marketing strategy and results?
Kind of
What CRMs / Operational Systems do you use?
Number of people in marketing roles
Monthly marketing budget
Which trade shows do you attend?
Which industry publications / websites do they consume?
What is the lifetime value of a client?
What is the typical project value?
How has the ability to hire employees impacted your growth or your delivery schedule?
What portion of your marketing budget goes toward hiring?
Are you running any marketing campaigns specific to hiring? If so, who handles those, marketing or HR?
Do you have marketing campaigns in place for employee retention? If so, please describe these
Please submit your answers - Thank You!